As the weather warms and the light brightens there’s a real shift in how we feel, right?  There’s that desire to peel away the layers of the former, cooler months and to shake off what feels old, heavy, stale, and stagnant.  So how can we cleanse ourselves of all the mental & physical crap that can accumulate?

1. Morning Detox: treat yourself to a cup of warm water & the juice of half a lemon every morning.  It’s a great way to cleanse the liver (and who doesn’t need that?!)

2. Twist it out: get on your yoga mat and indulge in some juicy Twists.  Twist help to wring out the internal organs and stimulate the digestion process.  It’s a great way to make some space in there! (Check out my Spring Cleaning: Let’s Twist! practice HERE)

3. Throw it out: consider your surroundings and notice what is collecting dust and taking up space.  Not using it?  Toss it.  You’ll feel better about living and working in a room that’s clean.

4. Clear the mental clutter: a friend of mine says that meditating is like taking a shower for your mind.  There’s a lot going on up there, and sometimes it needs a good scrub.  Consider this intention: “let go of what pains you and embrace what sustains you” or “everything positive in, everything negative out.”  Sit or lie comfortably, close your eyes, and with every exhale let go of any negativity, stress, or tension that you are tired of carrying around with you.

And voila – enjoy your brand new, squeaky clean self!

I’m curious: what are you favorite ways to shrug off winter and welcome spring?
