Picture this: you wake before the sun, a warm breeze from the open window passing over your skin. With a big stretch and a big breath you lift from your cozy bed and take a step out of the door and onto the sand. You walk down to the ocean with a cup of coffee, green tea, or lemon water, and a bowl of fresh fruit. You drink in an incredible sunrise.
A few steps takes you to the yoga room where you exchange greetings and smiles with your fellow participants. Rolling out your mat you lay on your back before the class begins, indulging in the warmth, the peace, the perfection of the moment. The class unfolds in a sweet and sweaty journey, leaving you with so much energy and spark for the day ahead.
You join the group for breakfast and share morning stories as you enjoy an amazing array of fresh and healthy treats. A huge grin spreads over your face as you consider the only decisions you have to make today: Lounge on the beach? Swim in the ocean? Ride a bike into town? Relax with a massage? Explore and sightsee? So what do you do? Whatever YOU want; the gorgeous sun warms you all day long as you engage in whatever is calling your name.
A late afternoon class takes you back to your mat for more yoga, a delicious dance of breath, movement, strength, stretch, laughter, and rest; a glance up from Pigeon Pose and you catch the last few incredible moments of the sun setting. A beautiful dinner with your new friends closes out the day and you fall into bed glowing, full, and happy. Repeat for 6 more days and you’ll have had one of the most fun and fulfilling trips of your life.
This, my friends, is the magic of a Yoga Retreat in a sun destination. Think about it: 6am mornings, vegetarian meals, and 3.5 hours of yoga a day: bliss, right?! Ok, I know it sounds like a nightmare for many people but it is INCREDIBLY delicious. And listen, I’m no saint: I like my late nights, my live music, and my Irish whiskey but sometimes you have to strip that all away and truly nourish yourself. The yoga retreat is a great concept: it’s a healthy vacation! Instead of coming home from your trip feeling exhausted, bloated, and hung-over from holiday indulgence (ever hear people say ‘I need a vacation to get over my vacation’?) you return to real life feeling motivated, refreshed, and renewed (and really, really clean. Fresh fruit, vegetables, and fish for a week? Amazing!)
I treated myself to my first yoga retreat in December 2012 and I found that it was a really amazing way to give back to myself – a great boost to my body and mind. And I realized how important it is to give yourself that treat, you know: to refuel, to recharge, to show yourself some LOVE . Give back to yourself and you will have so much more to offer those around you. I’ve been both a participant and a leader of yoga retreats in Mexico, Hawaii, Costa Rica, and in Europe and have heard people admit they feel guilty for stealing this time away, for not bringing the kids or partners, for focusing on himself or herself. And you know what I hear at the end of the journey? “I feel amazing.” “I’m going to be such a better parent after this trip.” “I’m so motivated to start that project now.” It’s funny how self-care can stir up feelings of guilt, but afterwards there’s that energy and exhilaration and realization that you are now functioning at 100%, that you have renewed your energy, and you now have so much more to give. It’s like securing your own oxygen mask before helping someone else. Makes sense, right?
How do I choose a yoga retreat? An internet search will return countless results for yoga retreats, so your research will probably start there. There are two things you can focus on: some people might decide on the retreat by choosing a teacher you would like to ‘yoga’ with for a week. Someone you know of, or someone you know personally, or someone with a great reputation. It’s great to be familiar with the teacher’s ‘style’ so you know it’s something that you are interested in exploring for the 10-12 classes you’ll do on the retreat. Some people might make the final decision based on location; Indonesia, Europe, the Caribbean, Central America, and other sunny destinations are real hotspots for these kinds of trips.
Do I need to be a yoga rockstar to attend a retreat? Not at all! Most yoga retreats are meant to appeal to a wide range of ages and abilities, but it is a good idea to have a regular yoga practice before you go.
What does a trip usually include? All trips are different but the fee quoted will usually include 2 yoga classes a day, 2-3 meals a day, accommodation, and sometimes airport transfers to the destination. Airfare is generally not included. Most yoga retreats last 5-7 days.
Can I go by myself or will I be the odd yogi out in a sea of couples and friends?
Going solo is an adventure – embrace it! In the retreats I’ve participated in and led there are a large number of people who are there on their own. Remember – you’ll be surrounded by a group of awesome, like-minded people and by the end of the week you won’t believe how close you’ve become with these once strangers. Chances are, you’ll have 15-20 new BFFs.
I should warn you that you may become a yoga retreat addict (which, in my opinion and experience, is not a bad thing at all). Experience the joy, bliss, and radiance of a yoga retreat and you’ll be shining for days, weeks, months. The only problem being you may never want to leave.
Want to retreat with me? Check out my Retreat Page to see what adventures are coming up!
Safe and happy travels!